We Pass SGS Audited Supplier
Category: Company news
Date: 2018-04-29
Click: 5706
Author: 佚名
We Pass SGS Audited Supplier Congratulation for successful completion of Audited
Supplier by SGS! This auditing mainly assess our factory ISO management system
and its operation, quality managemen...
We Pass SGS Audited Supplier  

Congratulation for successful completion of Audited Supplier by SGS! This auditing mainly assess our factory ISO management system and its operation, quality management and marketing of a comprehensive and detailed analysis and assessment of all audited projects were highly appreciated.

SGS background briefing: the SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance SA, short translated as "generic notaries."

It was founded in 1887, is currently the world's largest, the most senior civil qualified third parties in product quality control and technical identification of transnational corporations. Headquartered in Geneva, in the rest of the world did not 251 branches, 256 specialized laboratories and 27,000 professional and technical personnel in 142 countries product quality, control and assurance activities. 


(Note:click the picture above for download the audited report, PDF file)

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